What is Ableism?

Simply put, ableism is social prejudice and discrimination against people with neurological differences and disabilities. It’s a tendency so deeply ingrained into many of our social values and beliefs that it’s difficult to escape it—whether you’re the friend or relative of a person whose neurological difference results in a disability or even someone who struggles with a disability yourself.*

One could describe ableism as the inability to grasp the fullness and complexity of life with a disability. This tendency reflects a failure to view disability as anything other than problematic or undesirable. The assumption is that anyone with physical, cognitive, or mental health differences would need to be “cured” of his or her disability in order to have a rewarding life.

What is Ableism?

Simply put, ableism is social prejudice and discrimination against people with neurological differences and disabilities. It’s a tendency so deeply ingrained into many of our social values and beliefs that it’s difficult to escape it—whether you’re the friend or relative of a person whose neurological difference results in a disability or even someone who struggles with a disability yourself.*

One could describe ableism as the inability to grasp the fullness and complexity of life with a disability. This tendency reflects a failure to view disability as anything other than problematic or undesirable. The assumption is that anyone with physical, cognitive, or mental health differences would need to be “cured” of his or her disability in order to have a rewarding life.

Ableism is influenced by the concept of normality—a powerful social construct that is tied to qualities and characteristics generally considered “good” or “desirable” by society at large. Anything deviating from so-called “normal” attributes—whether physically, behaviorally or cognitively—could be subject to social prejudice and ostracism.

Like the many other “isms,” ableism is rooted in fear—fear of the other, fear of difference, fear of death—and could be a conscious or unconscious tendency. As disability manifests in different ways, so does ableism.

Physical ableism is social prejudice and discrimination based on a person’s physical appearance or visible physical disabilities. A body that deviates from what society considers “normal” can be triggering to individuals who aren’t used to or accepting of difference. Our culture is deeply influenced by the medical model of disability, which regards physical variations—in particular, variations that result in differences in mobility and coordination—as “unhealthy” or “problems” that need to be fixed. This negative cultural association often causes people to feel discomfort in the presence of individuals with disabilities—which sometimes turns into aversion toward and the exclusion of individuals with physical differences.

Mental ableism is social prejudice and discrimination based on cognitive differences or mental health conditions. Like with physical ableism, differences in mental performance or cognition tend to be considered abnormal or undesirable by people who are influenced by the medical model of disability. Instead of embracing the concept of neurodiversity and regarding neurological variations as normal aspects of the human experience, mental ableists view these differences as problematic and in need of a remedy. **

At the societal level, one finds cultural ableism, or widespread attitudinal patterns that discriminate against individuals with disabilities and diminish the dignity of disability symptoms. These patterns result in barriers—physical, social, and systemic—to the full participation of individuals with disabilities in our society. Cultural ableism is influenced by the same factors at play in physical and mental ableism, and broader social values such as our need for efficiency and uniformity.

At the opposite end of the spectrum lies internalized ableism, which is when a disabled person is ashamed of his or her disability and reacts by hiding it or refusing accessibility and support.

To move past ableism, one must first acknowledge that someone could be influenced by ableist beliefs and not even realize it. And as mentioned above, ableism is a widespread bias precisely because our mainstream culture is deeply influenced by ableist concepts. So how can you recognize this tendency in yourself?

First, look for any discomfort you might feel in the presence of someone with a disability. The discomfort is a sign that you’re “othering” the person, or regarding her difference as a problem or threat.

Similarly, you’re likely viewing someone through the lens of ableism if you find yourself reducing that person to a stereotype associated with her disability (such as the notion that a wheelchair user can’t take care of herself) or making that disability her most important characteristic (thinking of Jane primarily as the “woman who uses a wheelchair”). The same goes if you start feeling aversion or pity toward Jane or have the impulse to do something “benevolent,” like offering to help when no help is requested.

Keep in mind that your thoughts are reflective of broader social patterns and most people are creatures of their environment. If you catch yourself harboring ableist feelings and thoughts, take that as an opportunity to consciously broaden your perspective and move beyond culturally ingrained beliefs. You can do so by being open during your interactions with people with disabilities. Don’t assume you know anything about someone based on his or her disability alone and try to engage with that person with a healthy dose of respect and curiosity.

In the end, to overcome our ableist tendencies, we will need to collectively reevaluate the concept of “normality” and do away with mainstream notions of what is “good” and “desirable.” We will need to open our minds and hearts and welcome different perspectives as well as different ways of existing in this world. Which is to say, we will need to evolve as a society and undergo no less than a paradigm shift. Sounds like a win-win.

*The use of the word “disability” in the context of neurodiversity is controversial, as some neurodiversity advocates argue that autism and other neurological variations like ADHD are not disabilities. Our use of the world “neurodiverse” includes people whose neurological differences result in visible disabilities, as well as people with subtle processing and performance differences. Regardless of where someone falls on the neurodiversity spectrum, our view is that people with disabilities are not “flawed,” and should be respected and included.

**It’s worth mentioning that individuals who are “outside the norm” of mental and physical performance due to extreme intelligence or great athleticism are treated differently than individuals who are considered “lower functioning.” This reflects our society’s efficiency and performance ideals, as output becomes the measuring stick for someone’s supposed “worth.”

© Suri Pacinelli